Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 2, Year : 2020
Article Page : 120-122
Introduction: Contamination of operation theatres and Intensive care units through air, surface or article
vehicle is major cause of surgical site and hospital acquired infections leading to increased morbidity and
Aims and Objective: The present study was conducted with aim to isolate and identify the nature of
microbial contamination through air, surface and equipment of OT in a tertiary care teaching hospital.
Materials and Methods: Six months (August 2019 – January 2020) retrospective analysis of data by
random sampling of the six OT’s of the hospital was done. Air sampling was done by settle plate method.
Surface samples were taken from different sites and equipments from the OT. Bacterial species were
isolated and identified by conventional methods.
Results: Total 300 samples were collected and analysed Out of which 116 samples (38.66%) were positive
for bacterial growth. The predominant bacterial species isolated from surface or equipment was Bacillus
(48.27%), followed by Coagulase Negative Staphylococcus (21.55%), Gram Negative bacilli i.e. Klebsiella
(8.62%) and least commonly isolated bacterial species was Staphylococcus aureus 2(1.72%). Air quality
analysis showed highest bacterial CFU rate of 75cfu/m3 from general surgical operation theatres and
Ophthalmology OT recorded least bacterial cfu rate of 20cfu/m3. Most common isolated species was
Baciilus followed by Coagulase Negative Staphylococcii.
Conclusion: The study revealed that the OT’s of our hospital showed a low bacterial contamination rate on
surface swabbing and air quality CFU count per mm3 were within permissible limits. The present study
emphasizes the need for periodic surveillance of OT’s and ICU’s and highlight the importance of early
detection of bacterial contamination levels and prevention of hospital acquired infections.
Keywords: Air sampling, OT, Settle plate method, Surveillance.
How to cite : Bohra S, Bhatnagar R, Bacteriological profile in microbiology surveillance of operation theatres: A retrospective study at a tertiary care teaching hospital in Rajsamand district, Rajasthan. IP Int J Med Microbiol Trop Dis 2020;6(2):120-122
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