Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 3, Year : 2020
Article Page : 175-178
Introduction: The biomedical waste is any waste that is generated during diagnosis, treatment or immunization of human beings or animals, or in the research activities of biological. The amount of biomedical waste being generated is increasing day by day which can pollute the environment and can spread many harmful diseases if not handled properly. Health care workers in our country are still not fully aware about proper disposal of BMW.
Aims and Objective: The objective of the study was to access the effect of training on health care personnel about the biomedical waste management in our institution.
Materials and Methods: A pre designed questionnaire was used for data collection before and after hands on training. Total 250 health care personnel including doctors, nurses, lab technicians and class IV employees working in our institution participated in study. Data was analysed using SPSS software and results were interpreted into percentages.
Results: Doctors, nurses and lab technicians had good knowledge regarding biomedical waste management before but the knowledge of class IV employees (cleaners and maintenance personnel) was not good but all group showed good improvement in their Knowledge regarding biomedical waste management after training.
Conclusions: There should be periodic trainings and workshops with special focus on proper use of personal protective measures for all health personnel having special focus on paramedical and cleaner staff about Biomedical waste management rules.
Keywords: Biomedical waste management, Universal precautions, Biohazard health care worker hospital.
How to cite : Soni P , Soni L K, Soni A, Pre and post training study of awareness about biomedical waste management among health care personnel in medical college hospital in Western Rajasthan. IP Int J Med Microbiol Trop Dis 2020;6(3):175-178
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