Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 3, Year : 2022
Article Page : 222-231
Introduction: Contamination of food contact surfaces by increases the risk of food-borne diseases through cross-contamination which becomes more complicated with the development of multidrug resistance by the pathogen. This study was aimed at investigating multidrug resistance and carriage of carbapenemase genes among isolates from food contact surfaces in Nasarawa State, Nigeria.
Materials and Methods : A total of 924 swab samples (522 from Lafia and 402 from Nasarawa Eggon) were collected from various food contact surfaces in food vending outlets and screened for multidrug resistance and carbapenemase genes in isolates using standard culture, modified Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion, PCR amplification and agarose gel electrophoresis techniques. Data obtained were statistically analyzed and p-value set at 0.05 confidence level.
Results: Highest overall contamination prevalence of 43.33 % was obtained from hawkers’ outlets while table top surfaces had 35.43% with highest risk (odd ratio) of 1.94. Eateries and Hotels had no contamination. The prevalence values were significantly different (p<0> Conclusion: The presence of multidrug resistant with carbapenemase genes from food contact surfaces in vending outlets serves as a public health challenge and the need for personal hygiene and strict adherence to antibiotics protocols by food vendors is highly encouraged.
Keywords: Multidrug resistance, carbapenemase genes, food contact surfaces, Escherichia coli, Nigeria
How to cite : Nfongeh J F, Dalhat N T, Kabido H U, Hadi N S, Akharenegbe P, Carriage of carbapenemase genes among multidrug resistant Escherichia coli isolates from contact surfaces in food vending outlets within Nasarawa State, Nigeria. IP Int J Med Microbiol Trop Dis 2022;8(3):222-231
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Received : 10-07-2022
Accepted : 18-07-2022
Viewed: 712
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