Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 4, Year : 2018
Article Page : 257-260
Introduction: Cryptosporidium species is the most common opportunistic enteric parasite encountered in the immunocompromised patients.
Objective: To evaluate Modified Ziehl-Neelsen staining, auramine phenol staining and safranine methylene blue for the diagnosis of intestinal cryptosporidiosis.
Materials and Methods: A total of 70 faecal samples from HIV seropositive were collected. They were subjected for modified ZN stain, safraninemethylene blue stain and auramine phenol stain for detection of cryptosporidium.
Results: Out of total 70 HIV patients, 57 (81%) were positive for parasitic infection, higher number of parasitic infection is caused by Cryptosporidia in 34( 60%). Of the 34 patients who had cryptosporidiosis were positive for auramine phenol technique, 33(97%) of them were also positive with the modified ZN stain and 31(91.0%) were also positive with the safranine methylene blue stain.
Conclusion: Auramine phenol staining is a rapid, sensitive and specific technique for diagnosis of intestinal cryptosporidiosis.
Keywords: Cryptosporidium, Modified ZN stain, Safranine methylene blue stain, Auramine phenol stain.
How to cite : Ninama A B , Detection of cryptosporidium in fecal sample by three staining method from immunocompromised patients. IP Int J Med Microbiol Trop Dis 2018;4(4):257-260
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