IP International Journal of Medical Microbiology and Tropical Diseases


Table of Contents

Year-2017 | Volume: 3 | Issue 4

Original Article

RF and Anti-CCP Antibody Tests- A comparative study in the Diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis in a Tertiary Care Hospital

Author : Ashwini Kacharu Dedwal, Ankita Anand, Sae Satish Pol, Renu Satish Bharadwaj

Doi :   Page No : 137-139

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (2253)] [Download (764)]

Prevalence of leptospirosis in Thoothukudi - Southern coastal city, Tamil Nadu

Author : Kalaivani. V, Ajay Gopal K, Heber Anandan

Doi :   Page No : 151-154

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (2397)] [Download (737)]

Upsurge of Salmonella Paratyphi a infection in and around Puducherry following the torrential rains of December 2015

Author : Anandhalakshmi S, Sandhya Bhat K, Shreyas Venkataraman, Reba Kanungo

Doi :   Page No : 155-159

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1911)] [Download (651)]

Bacteriological profile of asymptomatic bacteriuria among diabetic patients

Author : Mohan S., Kathikeyan. D, Khaja Moinuddin, Kavitha Y., Jeevithan S.

Doi :   Page No : 164-166

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (1398)] [Download (532)]

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