IP International Journal of Medical Microbiology and Tropical Diseases


Table of Contents

Year-2020 | Volume: 6 | Issue 4

Review Article

Imaging in diagnosis and management of COVID 19: A short review

Author : Vidhi Prasad K.V, Jagadeesh Kumar D, Priya Narayan, Govindaraju M, H G Nagendra

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/j.ijmmtd.2020.044   Page No : 193-197

[Abstract] [Full Text HTML] [PDF] [EPub] [View (1852)] [Download (641)]

Original Article

Chitosan nanoparticles biosynthesis and characterization for Inhalation as an operative treatment of tuberculosis

Author : Emad Rizkallah Zaki, Dalia M Mohsen, Dalia Kamal Eldein, Mohamed B. Yousef, Mohammed H Fagir

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/j.ijmmtd.2020.045   Page No : 198-202

[Abstract] [Full Text HTML] [PDF] [EPub] [View (1631)] [Download (538)]

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