IP International Journal of Medical Microbiology and Tropical Diseases


Table of Contents

Year-2021 | Volume: 7 | Issue 1

Original Article

Study of microbial contamination of mobile phones of healthcare workers (HCWs)

Author : Ashu Rajput, Umar Farooq, Sudhir Singh, Vasundhara Sharma, Shweta R Sharma, Imran Ahamad, Sana Nudrat, Shivendra Mohan

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/j.ijmmtd.2021.003   Page No : 8-11

[Abstract] [PDF] [View (2101)] [Download (556)]

Study of rickettsia infection in patients suffering from fever of unknown origin

Author : Chaman Parveen, Shweta R Sharma, Umar Farooq, Sudhir Singh, Vasundhara Sharma, Imran Ahamad, Shivendra Mohan, Sana Nudrat

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/j.ijmmtd.2021.004   Page No : 12-16

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Assessment of prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in patients on anti-HBV (lamivudine) treatment: A questionnaire based survey

Author : Rajeev K Saxena, Aziz A Samad, Umar R Khan, Vineet Vinay, Archana C Choure, Sachinkumar V Wankhede, Divyam Saxena

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/j.ijmmtd.2021.005   Page No : 17-23

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A study on clinical profile and laboratory parameters of dengue fever patients in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Author : Kamalraj Mohan, Sowmya Nasimuddin, Ravin Devasir Sathyaseelan, Pradeep Raj Meenakshisundaram, Sumathi Gnanadesikan, Jeevan Malaiyan

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/j.ijmmtd.2021.007   Page No : 28-31

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Occurrence of malaria positive cases and their association with serum creatinine and blood urea in different age group

Author : Pravendra Kumar, Umar Farooq, Sudhir Singh, Vasundhara Sharma, Shweta R Sharma, Imran Ahamad, Shivendra Mohan

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/j.ijmmtd.2021.008   Page No : 32-36

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Occurrence and pattern of Hepatitis-A among patients with suggestive symptoms of hepatitis

Author : Sunil Gautam, Sudhir Singh, Amit Mishra, Umar Farooq, Vasundhara Sharma, Shweta R Sharma, Imran Ahamad, Sana Nudrat, Shivendra Mohan

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/j.ijmmtd.2021.009   Page No : 37-40

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