IP International Journal of Medical Microbiology and Tropical Diseases


Table of Contents

Year-2022 | Volume: 8 | Issue 3

Risorgimento of Monkey Pox in 2022: A literature review from South East Asia

Author : Pathan Multazim Muradkhan, Nawaz Umar, Natasha Vaidya, Heeba Muradkhan Pathan, Sheeza Patel, Qamar Patel, Shahnawaz Mulani

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/j.ijmmtd.2022.041   Page No : 205-209

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Original Article

Reducing hospital-acquired infections and improving the rational use of antibiotics in a tertiary care hospital in Bangalore

Author : Mahesh Babu Kothapalli, Girish Narayanaswamy, Leela Rani, Uma Maheshwar, Ravi Babu, Sanjay Paruchuri, Shashidhar Karpuranath, Rama Mishra, Shailaja Alapaty

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/j.ijmmtd.2022.042   Page No : 210-218

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Detection of ESBL producing E.coli and Klebsiella spp in urinary tract infection due to long exposure of catheterize condition in Covid positive patient admitted in HDU

Author : Shyam Sundar Bera, Traun Kumar Pathak, Arunabha Sarkar, Devnil Pathak, Mousumi Mitra, Purna Nandi, Sudeep Mitra, Dilip Kumar Nandi*, Bandita Sasmal, Kaberi Bhattacharya, Anita Nanda Goswami

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/j.ijmmtd.2022.046   Page No : 237-241

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Comparative study of Clinicolaboratory parameters of dengue in diabetic and non-diabetic from a tertiary care hospital

Author : Thomas George, Michael LJ Pais, Prajna D’silva, Srikant Natarajan, Ramakrishna Pai Jakribettu, Manjeshwar Shrinath Baliga

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/j.ijmmtd.2022.051   Page No : 260-266

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Case Report

Rare case of neonatal sepsis due to Salmonella Typhimurium: A case report

Author : Kiran Subhash, Ashish Jitendranath, Ramani Bai J T, Moby Sara Luke

Doi : http://doi.org/10.18231/j.ijmmtd.2022.052   Page No : 267-269

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